
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We Need To Speak Out And Reach Out...

It needs to be brought to light in the public arena's as well as churches. People would be surprised how many who sit in church are being abused, I know because when I married we both went to church together but no one there knew once we left the church how verbally assaulting he was and how he later was going to kill me.. Now that is not to say all who go to church are abusers, it is just an example that there are those there who are abusers and those who have been or are being abused. I have thought for many years that  perhaps classes at church that offer encouragement and support for those who have been or are being abused whatever the form of abuse may be should be implemented. If the church doesn't have the means to have classes could at least touch on the subject at times during the regular services with an offer to listen to someone privately if needed and to provide, flyers, brochures, contacts for support. Domestic violence isn't just in adults but also in teens dating so we need to help both adults and teens from bullying and domestic violence as well as sexual abuse and other forms of abuse.  tcc

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