Not enough is said to open others eyes that here is a percentage of men who are actually the abused and not the abuser. Many times they are too ashamed o step forward because being a man society has made them feel they are less than a man if they are being abused by a woman. Men and women alike feel less about themselves because society tells them they are weak, stupid, crazy for being with someone who is abusive, when it's not about that, it's about control, the abuser having control of their emotions, their self worth (the abuser leaves them feeling they have no self worth), it's about fear not only of the abuser but in many cases of being alone. now I realize many are sitting there saying WHAT? How can they be afraid of being alone when they are being abused, well many abusers convince the person that they are not worthy of anyone else love, that no one else would want them, that they are hair brained (as in my case that was one of the many things I was told) etc. Do not look at those in an abusive relationship as stupid, but as human who feel prey to an abusers smooth talking in the beginning to his foul verbally assaulting mouth to his physically assaulting hands. You can never fully understand it unless you have been there. I know first hand, because I was there myself, not with just one man but with two who were physically/mentally/emotionally abusive and others who were mentally/emotionally abusive, etc... So if you see someone in an abusive relationship don't judge them whether they are a man or woman, instead offer to help if you can. If they refuse don't take it that they like being abused and in that situation, rather take it as they are not mentally ready yet to get out. Sadly many wait til it is too late. Many men and women are abused daily.. It's in my opinion almost at epidemic proportions now for both. tcc
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