
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Some People Say To Forget And To Forgive...

Some people say to forget and to forgive, yet forgiving is much easier for me than forgetting. Rather than looking at the past as something I should forget I look at it as a tool to help others to know that they too can survive their past and hopefully their present if they make a choice to safely get out of the situation. I cannot say 100% that all who leave will still be safe, but they may a better chance of survival. You must also make plans for a safe exist in an abusive relationship/marriage. Once out be aware of your surroundings. It may take time to forgive but when you do it will help you to heal. Forgiving benefits you spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. It will in my opinion release their emotional control over you once you are away from the abuser. So please forgive and if the memories are still present allow them to be a postive tool to show others how far you have come and to help others.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%. I hope others will do as you are and use their past abuse as a tool to help others. Helping women to understand characteristics of abusers and how to get out of abusive relationships. But most of all healing from abuse by forgiving and taking back the power from your abuser/abusers. The best advice I received when I was healing was to take my time with the process of forgiveness. It does take time, if I expected it to happen overnight, I would have felt discouraged because it was a long process. Helping others helped me to heal and continue to heal. Thanks for sharing!
