
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Many Do Not Realize The Mental And Physical Control An Abuser Has Over His/Her Victims

Many do not realize the mental and physical control an abuser has over his/her victims. The stress, pain, hurt, self doubt, lack of self worth and more that the victim feels while with the abuser. They tear their victims to shreds with words and convince them they don't deserve better as well as the physical pain most abusers inflict. It isn't as easy to walk away as some may think, as many are terrified to leave afraid of being hurt/killed or their children being hurt/killed. Many times the abusers convinces the victim they have changed and many of them use religion ( I am a Christian and was married to an abusive man who used the church to hide behind) as a front that they have changed and the victim goes back in hopes the person changed and in a rare occasion they may have, but I have learned from experience they don't all change. So many look down on the victims as losers, enablers, stupid etc., but unless others have been through it hey can't even begin to realize what the victim went through. And even when we get out we wonder how we could have stayed and put ourselves and our children through it and when we see others in what we were once in we should say get out, but many times the victims stays in like we did until the breaking point if it isn't too late.

Overcoming The Obtacles in Life That Come At You

We can overcome the obstacles and hurts of this world with God's love and help, some of those may be including but not limited to the domestic violence, obesity, self hate, others hate, insecurities, just to name a few. We can overcome and stop being victims and start being survivors of life and people. We can choose to live as we have or live as we should and overcome these obstacles in life. Overcoming isn't always easy, however I am proof it can happen and that you too can overcome living in a relationship of domestic violence, overcome the perils of being sexually abused as a child, overcome obesity, self hate, hate of others, bitterness and so much more. We must choose to step forward and out of the relationships and things in life that are controlling us. An abuser will convince us that we are weak and unworthy of better, but I am here to tell you that you are stronger then they or you think and that you are worthy of better. Stand for yourself even though they stand against you. Do not let the brokenness they have caused keep you broken, you can mend and heal. By tcc

Words An Abuser Uses To Keep A Hold On You

When living in domestic violence the abuser will tell you what he thinks you need/want to hear as well as things to blame you for their actions/words to include but not limited to the following, Things you want/need to hear may be, I'm sorry honey I promise it will never happen again, It was an accident, I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it that way, don't cry baby it will all be okay, I can't make it without you baby,... Now the way he/she will blame you... It's your fault, you always know how to push my buttons, I told you to stop that but no you just had to do what you wanted, what do you expect when you dress like that (even though you may be dressed for church he/she will use that), you know how mad I get yet, if you leave and I kill myself then it will be your fault because you didn't stay and try, among thousands of their things an abuser will use to try to scare and manipulate you into ... None of things are acceptable, the things you may feel you need to hear are generally lies they tell you to keep you holding on and the things they blame on you also is too keep you holding on... Do not stay out of guilt, make a safe plan without the abuser knowing what you are doing, get a support group of family/friends to help you make the safe plan. by tcc Please check out the following site for help and apps to help keep you safe and get help